Thursday, January 26, 2012

ALTERING FORMATIONS DURING A MATCH (Changing from 4-4-2 to 4-3-3)

Sometimes, games do not go the way we expect and as a coach one has to make modifications to the team's tactics. It may be difficult for coaches to do this because they perceive it as delicate. One cannot blame coaches who find it difficult to alter tactics on the field because some players find it difficult to tactical changes in the game. However, these changes must sometimes be made to save the team from losing or put them in a better position to take control of the game.
A coach might decide to alter his formation if the opposing team are exploiting his team's formation or if he has seen a loop hole in his opponent's team which he wants his team to capitalise on.
In this piece, I choose to discuss changing from a 4-4-2 to a 4-3-3 formation during games. The most common forms of 4-4-2 involves playing 2 central midfielders;a left midfielder;a right midfielder or playing 1 defensive midfielder;1 central midfielder;1 attacking midfielder and a winger. Either ways, there are 2 strikers.
A coach might decide to change a 4-4-2 formation to a 4-3-3 formation during the game to allow for a different,more direct approach. Though the 4-3-3 uses a point man, it affords the team two wing forwards who are also attackers.
In changing from a 4-4-2 to a 4-3-3,the faster of the 2 wingers pushes to make a third attacker or the only winger becomes the third attacker depending on the initial style of play. A striker pulls to balance one side as a wing forward leaving the striker with higher ball-retention ability as the point man. The 3 midfielders then balance the areas in the middle of the park and allow space for the full-backs to run the flanks as they cover for them. The attacking midfielder will have to assume a more advanced role so as to support the centre forward and push attacks. The central midfielder moves to receive ball and drive his team forward and should supply penetrating passes as well as diagonal passes to give width to his team and pull the full-backs forward.
When the players have balanced into the 4-3-3 style,they can easily move balls quicker and exchange roles in the midfield and sometimes in attack. It is also important that the wing forwards drop metres behind to help their team defend when they are under-pressure.
This change in formation can help a team co-ordinate and mark better in the midfield during matches. It can also reduce the rate at which a team loses the ball.
Although it might take some time for the players to get into the new formation and may be disastrous to the team, the coach sometimes has to take a decision that can save his team.

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